How Much Do Twitch Streamers Make Per Follower, Viewer and Bit?
Live streaming has been booming for a few years and more and more Twitch streamers are earning good money on this network. Experts find that very exciting too, so we looked into the question of how much money you can earn on Twitch per stream, follower, bit, subscription and advertising. In the following you will find out what income is possible with it and what additional sources of income there are.
Readers keep asking the best way to make money quickly. Twitch has also become more interesting for many in recent years when it comes to making money. After all, you see the big streamers who are very successful there with five or six-digit viewership.
But unfortunately you have to put the brakes on the system here, because even with Twitch the money is not on the street, but there is a long way to success. Apart from the fact that very few are successful, it is also a long way and many streamers have been very active for years to get to where they are today. Earning money quickly is therefore not possible on the platform. Instead, you have to have a lot of perseverance in order to gradually build up a community and then increase your income.
How Much Money Can You Earn On Twitch Per Stream, Followers And Bit?
Twitch is home to many of creatives livestreaming in all kinds of ways and for many viewers, it's the new innovation. But it's actually more than that, because the union spirit is much stronger here than on other social medias. The number of viewers on many platforms is not that high, but the viewer loyalty is very strong. Twitch has developed suitable sources of income for this purpose, which can be very worthwhile even with relatively few viewers.
However, most of the following revenue streams require you to be either a Twitch affiliate or even a member. To become an affiliate, you must have at least 50 followers in the last one month, stream for 10 hours on at least different days and average more than 3-5 viewers. To become a partner, the requirements are even higher.
Money For Followers?
As a viewer, you can follow a channel, which is a nice and important thing for the mechanism, because more viewers ensure more attention and thus more viewers. The strong viewer loyalty, the communication with them and the reliability in terms of timing and content are very important at Twitch. However, you don't get money for the followers of your own platform, because it's free and doesn't bring in any money for the operator. However, a follower is more than just a viewer and is therefore already part of the community. It's an important step on the way to revenue.
Apart from Twitch's own sources of income, there are of course other ways to earn money as a streamer. Of course, you can insert affiliate related content in the platform description, which many do with the program, for example. Among other things, affiliate content to the camera and so on used are integrated. But the items etc. presented in the stream are also often linked in this way in order to manage income.